
OAS CAHPS: Essential guide for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

July 16, 2024

The healthcare landscape is evolving, with patient experience taking center stage. For Medicare-certified hospital outpatient departments (HODs) and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), a significant change is on the horizon — the mandatory implementation of the Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (aka OAS CAHPS) survey. 

What is OAS CAHPS?

Developed by the CMS, the OAS CAHPS survey is designed to collect patient feedback on care received in Medicare-certified HOPDs and ASCs. The survey, which began development in 2012 and received CAHPS accreditation in 2015, provides crucial insights into patient perspectives and helps measure patient experiences for specific facilities.

Why is the OAS CAHPS survey important?

The OAS CAHPS survey is crucial in advancing healthcare quality and patient-centered care. Prior to OAS CAHPS, there was no national standard for collecting and comparing patient experiences in outpatient and ambulatory surgery settings. This survey addresses this significant gap, enabling meaningful comparisons across facilities.

As part of the CAHPS family of surveys, OAS CAHPS provides a standardized method for assessing patient experiences. This standardization allows for fair and valid comparisons across different hospital outpatient departments and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). The survey focuses on aspects of care where patients are the best source of information, ensuring that patient voices are heard and valued in the assessment of healthcare quality.

Healthcare providers can use the survey results for internal quality improvement initiatives. By identifying areas where patient experiences fall short, facilities can take targeted actions to enhance their services and care delivery. Additionally, public reporting of OAS CAHPS results on CMS websites empowers patients to make informed decisions when choosing healthcare providers. This transparency promotes competition based on quality and patient satisfaction.

With its upcoming mandatory status, OAS CAHPS will be tied to Medicare reimbursements, making it financially important for facilities to perform well on these measures. It became mandatory for HOPDs in 2024 and it will become mandatory for ASCs in January 2025. Non-compliant organizations will face annual rate reductions in their Medicare payments. Specifically, facilities that fail to administer and report OAS CAHPS when required could be subject to a 2% penalty on their annual Medicare payment update.

What types of questions does the OAS CAHPS survey ask? 

When it comes to the OAS CAHPS survey, it's all about getting the real scoop from patients about their outpatient or ambulatory surgery experience. Think of it as a comprehensive check-in on how things went from the patient's perspective.

The survey dives into several key areas. First up, it asks about communication, for instance, how well the doctors, nurses, and staff explain things. Did patients feel like they were in the loop about their procedure? This is crucial because clear communication can make a world of difference in a patient's experience and outcomes.

Then, it gets into the nitty-gritty of preparation. Were patients given the lowdown on what to expect before they even stepped foot in the facility? The survey also touches on something we all care about — cleanliness.

Finally, the survey touches on basic demographic questions. If you want to explore each of the questions in detail, you can read them in our survey.

How is the OAS CAHPS survey implemented?

To conduct this patient experience survey for ASCs, surgery centers have to team up with CMS-approved independent vendors. The OAS CAHPS survey is an ongoing process, not just a one-time event. Each year, facilities participating in the program are tasked with gathering a significant number of completed surveys. For HOPDs, the target is 300 completed surveys annually. ASCs have a slightly lower target of 200 completed surveys per year once the survey becomes mandatory. These surveys are collected over a 12-month reporting period, providing a comprehensive view of patient experiences throughout the year.

All that data doesn't just sit in a dusty file, CMS makes the survey results from participating HOPDs and ASCs publicly available on their Provider Data Catalog website.

Now, when it comes to actually conducting the survey, facilities have some options. They can choose from five different methods:

  1. Traditional mail
  2. Over the phone
  3. Starting with mail and following up by phone if needed
  4. Kicking off with a web survey and following up by mail
  5. Beginning online and then picking up the phone for follow-ups

Each method has its own pros and cons, so facilities can pick what works best for them and their patients. It's all about getting those valuable patient insights in the most effective way possible.

Which ASCs are eligible to participate in OAS CAHPS?

To be eligible for participation in the OAS CAHPS survey, an ASC must meet several specific criteria. It should be a freestanding medical facility that performs outpatient surgeries and procedures as defined by CMS guidelines. The ASC must be Medicare-certified, possess a CCN, and have an active agreement with CMS in accordance with 42 CFR 416 subpart B. 

Additionally, the facility should bill CMS under the ASC Payment System using either the CMS-1500 claim form or the ASC X12 837P electronic form. Eligibility for participation in the ASCQR Program is also a requirement. 

Is there a benefit to adopting OAS CAHPS before it becomes mandatory?

Let's talk about getting a head start with OAS CAHPS. It's not just about checking a box — there are some real advantages to diving in before it becomes mandatory.

First off, early adoption gives your ASC breathing room. You'll have time to fine-tune your survey processes, work out any kinks, and seamlessly integrate patient feedback into your quality improvement efforts. 

But it's not just about smooth operations. By starting early, you're essentially future-proofing your ASC. You'll be ready for the financial implications and public reporting that are coming down the pike. Think of it as safeguarding your Medicare payments and your reputation in one go.

The OAS CAHPS survey is more than just a compliance tool — it's a goldmine of insights. It helps you align what you're doing with what patients expect and what the industry considers best practice. Your healthcare team can use these insights to pinpoint where you need to up your game, polish your communication, and streamline your procedures.

The end result? You're not just meeting standards — you're elevating the entire patient experience. And in today's healthcare landscape, that's what sets the great ASCs apart from the good ones.

So, why wait? Getting started with OAS CAHPS today could give you the edge you need in tomorrow's competitive healthcare market.


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